Attached Platform
Attached Platform

Thanks to the excavations carried out between 1918 and 1920, they showed that, in the Temple of Quetzalcóatl, there was a superposition of structures. This indicates that after its initial construction, the main façade of the Temple of the Feathered Serpent was covered by an adjoining platform with similar characteristics, hence the denomination attached, which remained so until the fall of Teotihuacán.

This peculiar pyramidal platform measures 50 meters wide at its base and is made up of four staggered bodies, on a slope and a tabletop, in the Teotihuacan style.

On the west façade, there is a staircase with a single ramp that leads to the upper part, where the temple is located. Its consists of mural paintings on a red background, which can be partially appreciated.

The fact that there are overlaps in the temple of the Feathered Serpent is probably due to stages of change of power in the government. Since archaeologists have found some places in the Teotihuacan City where signs of insurrection are also observed. Some evidence can be seen between the years 380-400 d. C., period where there was looting through a tunnel that leads to the tombs located in the Temple of Quetzalcóatl.